
2021年8月20日19:25:30参加葬礼回来以后已关闭评论 38,672 2601字阅读8分40秒





Introduce:Forgetting is when to be group li of funeral that asks for leave to play friend father next. After father of my that friend dies I drove the past for a short while, giving her help in busy outside, be in again next that keep watch at night, when holding a funeral procession, I am to holding the urn of friend father in the arms to go hill fluctuation bury. White thing is 3 days here, the 2nd day of cremation goes the 3rd day later bury, because before be, I work keep watch at night the individual is already about the same collapse, very tired that moment, keep watch at night can not sleep again, be forced to drink so drink all night, drink malty, this bit of problem is very serious ah …… holds a funeral procession the 2nd day. Hold a funeral procession after coming back to have a meal, I came home, ghost group: The 10875854 custom here should go out only namely after going to those who enter white job coming home, must be at the door the home the past is crossed to just can take the home from inside fire after looking for paper to make a fire, that time overlooks the possibility still is too tired, I was not done in that way take the home directly, excellent bathe lie was asleep insensibly on the bed, that moment wants to say those who go to sleep to had been in my friend home in the evening next originally, who knows to sleep not to know time, sleep not to know when, I open an eye mistily, it is not clear to also be done it is cold what be still I open an eye anyway, because my room is little, the door is on the side of the bed, the door when that moment opens an eye did not know when to open an in part, also say to not be clear that how that moment woke anyway, be the sort of do not want to be opened but must open again the sort of. Eyeball of have sth in mind of my half narrow one's eyes sees the passage in the home, that moment also did not think the body guarded a gate to close to continue to sleep afresh half cases more my become aware. Thinking that setting is true now is Jing. When I sleep, close, and I can see the sofa of the sitting room from the direction of the bed, how is the curtain also lost sight of, but I am confused that evening see a curtain, that curtain is blown so that waved by wind, and outside sensory door very ghastly horror. That setting is like horror piece inside the setting …… when ghost should come asks an elder sister the 2nd day, the sister says to there is not storm at all that evening.

入殓师殡仪馆灵异事 灵异事件


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