
2021年8月20日19:27:36七个短篇灵异故事已关闭评论 54,156 3933字阅读13分6秒

1: 夜泳女子



2: 河西某高层




说着,非拉着打工女孩到她的闺房一游,打开一个大柜,女老板说:“好妹妹,看这就是我多年的收藏啊!”柜子里挂着一个个风干的女人头颅。 “看来我的收藏又要有新的了!”女老板诡异的笑看着打工女孩。







事情发生在90年代后期,一天夜里有3个人搭乘一辆出租车要到津南区农村的一户人家,他们3个分别穿黑、白、花色的衣服,在到了目的地后,他们给了司机钱,进了那户人家,司机当时没在意,回家后才发现自己收的是冥币、第二天就回去找到那个人家去问昨天夜里是否有3个人来过,那家人说,那个时间根本没人来过,只是他家的母猪生了黑,白,花 三只小猪…。



Introduce:1: 9  mail A Chinese-style unlined garment admonish of  of Lv Ju ⑸ swims Lang of  of Du  Cao rips cherry?005 along Mu Cong year summer a of July night, the weather is very hot, a few youths swim in the river. In moon, they discover the woman that there is one long hair in nearby river also is swimming, grow long hair to wave to go up in the surface behind, those who show is very beautiful. In succession 3 night, these a few youths discover this girl is swimming alone. Below the drive of curiosity, they decide one case to girl * close, closer and closer, among them a male youth discovered some are eccentric suddenly, then natant woman appears never hands or feet shows water. At that time that woman to among them a youth swims quickly. In be about of barge against flashy, the outstretched both hands of young instinct goes receiving, swim in his hand, only one is taking long hair sending out …… of effluvial woman head. 3 days ago, murder case produced one case around, a young long hair woman is divided cadaver, the head was not found. 2: Swim word of quarrel of Qia pull Bu ends "  of Bu ending ≌ predestined relationship of home of dispatch of bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase fines silk all of Xi of ヌ of  of  of Yan  sole shows Mou of choke of suck locust heir to embrace male to offspring the girl of layer of?3 of post king crab of be good at R comes home in the evening, happen to catchs up with elevator breakdown to cannot be used. Hoping to grow long stair to fear a bit, let the building below mom receive her, mom came down to get on a building together with her, when they take 12 floors together, the girl's phone rang, come out she the sound of his * : "Girl, mom came down, are you in which ah? " 3: The wind day that collects a hobby now is filled, girl of an other place comes to Tianjin work, she is in Tianjin developing zone (be located in pond buy) a hotel works, the hostess of the hotel is very good to her, a bit beyond the mark even, the end of the year, the girl should come home, the boss asks her to have a meal, some are drunk tall, hostess laugh wears to working the girl says: "Good little sister, what do you know the elder sister has to like? The elder sister likes lovely thing " saying, blame pulling work the girl swims to her boudoir, open a great cupboard, hostess says: "Good little sister, seeing this is I am collected for years! " the feminine head that there is each airing in the cabinet. "Look my collect should have again new! " the laugh with weird hostess is looked at work the girl. 4: Old building and Hunan open the floor that university economy ties south, with the formative of the Eight Diagrams from the back the building comprised the modelling of grace mound, jumped down to die from the high level so several people. Have a year, big lake wided south a few student studying abroads, big teachers go down to help a person south, that teacher that helps a person as a result is said later mad, because that saves the person's teacher to often see a woman,be in the goggle at of firm firm he, interrogatory he why

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