
2021年8月20日19:27:40鬼宴席已关闭评论 40,590 4193字阅读13分58秒




但是一个冬天的早晨,由于张老三婆娘起的晚了,等到张老三边骂媳妇边把豆腐装好出门的时候,天边已经微微有点亮光了。张老三一看天色,心里知道已经晚了,在从村南走的话恐怕赶到邻村都已经吃完早饭了,就决定从村西走 。因为村西平时也走过几回,他心里也不是很怕,就一边骂着自家的懒婆娘,一边就着微亮的天色一深一浅的赶路。约莫走了一个小时,他看到路边有个大宅门,门口张灯结彩,人进人出的,远远的门口就有个人再喊:“张老三,快过来,等你半天了。”张老三疾步走过去, 一看是个穿着讲究的中年人,但自己并不认识。张老三疑惑的问:“啥子事,我怎么没见过你?”中年人笑眯眯的递过一根过滤嘴香烟,说:“我平时不出门你当然没看到过我,不过我可听说过你,你张老三的豆腐可是远近闻名的。正好今天儿子结婚,今天你这豆腐我都要了”张老三被他一夸,脑子就有点晕忽忽的了,咧着嘴把烟别在耳朵上,说:“我当啥子事哩,就这样好说,你都要的话我给你便宜点,当作给大侄子的贺礼。”中年人听了急忙连声感谢,领着张老三把豆腐放到厨房后非要留下他吃席酒。张老三一看席面上鸡鸭鱼肉齐全,摆着好几瓶好酒,肚子底的酒虫一下子就被勾引出来,脚步也挪不动了,坐在凳子上就吃喝起来。等到酒足饭饱要告辞的时候,中年人看张老三站都站不稳了,就非要留张老三在家休息一下,张老三一看天色还早,就答应中年人,随便找了一个角落睡了起来。张老三睡到迷迷糊糊的时候,被人摇醒了。他迷迷糊糊的睁开眼,看见村子里好几个人都围着他看,天色也已经快到傍晚了。张老三问:“你们咋在这里?”村里几个人也不敢多说,赶紧拉着张老三跑回家。



Introduce:Last respecting village head butcher family pulled down on the west village on the west after the small temple of the head, complied with the warning of pass by old man, the family moves an other place before long, life also does not have a thing, but in our village geomantic had been destroyed, plus the knowledge that this side knows without the person in the village, brought about a village to give a lot of strange things later. Most what have bad luck first is the Zhang Laosan that the village sells bean curd. Zhang Laosan is one 50 years old of right-and-left old men, because,left leg has dot weak point is in one's childhood piquant went up to come down to break from equestrian body, when the doctor has received the barefoot that waits for the village to be able to stand up, namely lamely appearance, because such, in those days daughter-in-law of cannot say of his within an inch of, the woman of a flee from famine passes the village later, he just married. Zhang Laosan every morning 4, there are two bean curds to peddle in the village of photograph adjacent when the day had not shined at 5 o'clock, (village person sells bean curd to go to his home to buy directly) . The road that awaits the village outside leading to in those days has two only, the highroad of the head austral the village and village the alley on the west (village east with village north it is hill) . Although alley is closer, but because the village is a barren cemetery on the west, walk along alley to want to cross cemetery necessarily, so village person auxes would rather at ordinary times the much road that wind a point from go to also not be willing south the village cut, zhang Laosan sells bean curd at ordinary times also is to visit a village more south. But the morning winter, the evening that as a result of Zhang Laosan young married woman has, when it is good that daughter-in-law edge is scolded to install bean curd install bean curd by the side of Zhang Laosan when going out, horizon had had bit of light slightly. Zhang Laosan sees time, know in the heart already late, in be afraid from the word that takes south the village hurry to adjacent village to had eaten breakfast, decide from village westing. Because the village also has gone a few times at ordinary times on the west, also not be in his heart very be afraid of, condemning the lazy young married woman of oneself at the same time, wear at the same time small bright colour of sky one deep hurry on with his journey shallowly. About took a hour, he sees roadside has a big gate of an old-style big house, doorway decorate with lanterns and streamers, the person goes into the person, far the doorway has an individual to cry again: "Zhang Laosan, fast come over, wait for you a long time. " disease pace goes by Zhang Laosan, looking is a dress cultured middleaged person, but oneself are not known. Zhang Laosan asks questioningly: "What child thing, how had not I seen you? " of middleaged person smilingly had given incense smoke of a filter tip, say: "I do not go out at ordinary times you had not seen me of course, nevertheless I can have heard of you, the bean curd of your Zhang Laosan can be far and near is famed. As it happens today son marriage, I wanted your this bean curd today " Zhang Laosan by him one boast, brain has those who nod dizzy now.. , lie is worn the mouth is not smoke on ear, say: "I when what child thing, so good say, if you want, I give you cheap point, regard as big

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