
2021年8月20日19:41:11母亲的奇遇已关闭评论 32,174 3309字阅读11分1秒





Introduce:1963, 4 years I 8, 9 years old when, the dusk of a day after festival of lanterns of the first month of the lunar year, ate dinner, the mother tells us sibling to a few say, she should look to our Lao a married woman's parents' home. Village of port of luck of feng4huang2 of Lao a married woman's parents' home and adjacent of photograph of village of temple of our stone ox, have 2 lis of land almost, arrived a little while on foot. My 2 elder brother with me finish below kerosene lamp exercise, listened to father to tell of the same gang classic, sleep. Hazy in, heard a mother to come back, heart of state of Guo of big cousin of mother's brother home sends a mother to come home, also entered a room accordingly. The mother says with us, encountered a miracle tonight, saw a wonderful view: You are big the cousin is taking me with the bicycle, village of port of firm luck giving feng4huang2 east the door is not far, see northeastern Xiang Fei came an object, of round circle, polished Ming Waliang, a few buildings are tall. I hurry with you big cousin says, you look, what is that? You are big the cousin says, what do have. At this moment, big cousin episode says, I also saw, but fear in the heart, dare not look, also dare not say. The mother says, this object is gotten on for in front of, attack scatter did not have at a draught. Said a word a little while, big cousin went back by bike. The following day in the morning, big cousin early came to my home, with me the mother says: "3 aunt, yesterday night I go back, what to see. This morning, I rise early, look down northeast of the highroad face, a slope, whats are done not have, is it possible that be to make evil spirit. " the mother still said a thing with me, one day nightly, she goes to the home to go from the train below station of tower ear fort, station of tower ear fort leaves our village 7 lis of roads, it is field canal completely, pothole is rough, it is month of sunspot day, tall one base is small one foot, quite bad to go. Who knows to come over Zhu Yang port, abrupt, a red lantern appeared in front, the path that take is crystal and clear, I also do not know to fear, go accordingly. Get on for village head, the lantern attacks scatter did not have at a draught, I sit on a big stone to rest, took the home, be troubled by not clear lantern is how one and the same. Later, the mother often speaks of these two her fortuitous meeting. Till me big, guest of the star outside understanding, I think, the mother sees then unidentified object is about outside astral guest, namely UFo. As to that red light basket, someone says is body of racoon dog of red fox of —— of red fox racoon dog it is beautiful colour gules, there is beautiful gules compose to wear more in dorsal fin especially. Of dorsal fin and anal fin base ministry blue shines. Red fox racoon dog is a mysterious animal in nature, what very few somebody sees it is panoramic, all the time since mystery be consideringed as by people, weird reincarnate. In the past, nightly walk, a lot of person has been come up against, until had electric light, just disappeared.

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