
2021年8月20日19:41:17深夜先人家访已关闭评论 33,749 3676字阅读12分15秒












Introduce:Story happening is in on century 80 time, I am reading aloud first the traditional Chinese calendar of 3 in May of 18 in the evening. My elephant goes to that one night to sit in the room to write line of business alone euqally, the late night already was when exercise is written, my book also is disinclined to clear away, go to bed. I am lived in in the country, the sort of very rattletrap adobe building, in the home poorer, not horological, but the lunar brightness outside seeing a window is like daytime, whole night sky is just as in immersing to breed in the ox general. I lie on the bed not how long, upstairs hear the floor has the footstep of Dong Dong suddenly, then this footstep stepped down stair. But I am goggle one look, whats still think without …… is nocturnal cat in cause trouble, did not care about. But, not a little while, hear again flip through the sound of book, one page one page ground, slowly, every turn over one page to still be resembled is to use finger to dip in the sound of saliva, special careful person. I still think is the cat is making trouble was not paid attention to. Become silent one later, hear someone leaves from bench again, removed subsequently bench, the move before the toward me bed of one pace of …… of Dong Dong Dong comes. I am fierce one goggle, frighten agape immediately! See a carline is bending waist, bend to wear only the back, face that extending a hand to come over to touch me. She is full dish of move with the fleeciness hair of head grey, wear to grow long, shabby black cotton cloth places coat, lining of hand-woven cloth of ground of a white still is shown on shoulder, amiable face seems the xylograph that graduating with cutter comes out. What be about to feel me in her finger is facial, I instinctively sit up body, big growl; "Do you want to work? ! " return a blow receives instantly after she listens, body hank, just like drills in vain, wave to go however from a crack between a door and its frame like a smoke again! This one night, I am opening the lamp to sit to day break. The following day in the morning, my general this matter tells father. The sad a nuisance after father listens, say the grandmother that is me then to come back to see me, the likelihood is to worry about my take an examination ofing not to go up high school (when grandmother dies me ability is 3 years old, remember her far from before one's death about) . And, did not think of grandmother is in of Acheron life so bitter, connect a pretty dress to be done not have, we are really disobedient! Then, he bought currency of a bunch of big dark afternoon go burning. Later a few days in the evening, I am spent in perturbed all the time. Although father repeatedly comfort me to say, grandmother also won't come back again gally I, but I still cannot enter Mian peacefully. The 4th day night, still be the late night with hazy moon, confused in, I feel the room has activity again, hemp wears body of courage sit up looks: Ah! I see suddenly there is a grandpa before the bed! His shave is worn what bareheaded, smooth the upper part of the body, private parts wears a bounty only is white

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