
2021年8月20日19:42:53神秘的赊刀人已关闭评论 51,204 3970字阅读13分14秒












Introduce:Chinese country has a kind of special small retailer that sells kitchen knife, it is buy or sell on credit gives a kitchen knife the customer first, can say the thing of similar prophecy at the same time, after waiting for this thing to happen really, prove his conversation is very standard, next he takes money again, if do not calculate truly definitely,gave. The fatidical all kinds of strange things of person of knife of buy or sell on credit, a few example are below: "Certain place reachs 10 years ago, say corn price can break through 1 yuan to get certainly, when going one sent a kitchen knife, the year before last year comes over every received 20 yuan! " " when 3 fund just receives when 4 people eat a hoecake. " " wait for pork 20 moneys receive fund one jin again. " " etc fund receives when oil flowing in the river again. " these prophecy are the thing that person of knife of buy or sell on credit says ten years ago. A nonnative comes kitchen knife of buy or sell on credit, say to wait for pork at that time 20 yuan of money a jin will receive kitchen knife fund, return a jin some saying that wait for corn face one yuan to come, where somebody believes at that time, want not to have the courage to think, how is this prices met ten times, of a few times break up break up! The territory of person of knife of buy or sell on credit distributings very wide, a lot of province such as northeast, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan have, spread all over the whole nation almost. Went ten years, in last few years in succession a lot of people answer saw with one's own eyes of rural native place to see, had come up against in those days the person of kitchen knife of buy or sell on credit comes back to want money, what groups of big of course Dou Pei takes them to predict is accurate, everybody won't bilk Zhang, even some party are dead, person or son also meet his home not to need money one minute so that give a family. The person that has curiosity asks them the circumstance of these people, the answer is very ambiguous also, say oneself are personage of all corners of the country only, this industry can earn money so dry, different district has different person to be in charge of, seem to spread all over total national capital to have their figure, a little sharp issue does not reply to just laugh lightly. More bizarre is, after receiving fund, still continue outside bowl of kitchen knife of buy or sell on credit or shears, scoop, iron, somebody asks when to want money this time, although each district report is different, poor also not quite much, some saying that wait for pork to fall two money a jin when, some saying that wait for corn face 7 minutes money a jin when, some saying that wait for a house to fall when 1000 yuan make the same score rice, when returning 20 yuan some saying that the house falls to make the same score rice, even when some saying that wait for 3 people cent to eat pancake of a corn. Since a lot of places the person that somebody has seen these are called pedlar for the moment, my parents is emeritus time of leisure is in the home is much, where is the person of knife of buy or sell on credit that has encountered alley of these change taking a market? Hold a phone to ask immediately, as a result my mom says she had not seen recently, but 3, she has seen 40 years ago have outside of kitchen knife of buy or sell on credit, have really, carrying a large bag on the back inside it is kitchen knife completely, the prophecy that my mom listens to in those days is to wait socially woman

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