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Introduce:In the evening at 10 o'clock, the day had light rain up and down. I and king Wei go on canal alone. "Fatso, when can you arrive? Over there net fast compare city really in fast? " I quickened a pace. "You look in front the basement of building of Na Dong's dweller should be. I listen to others to say over there net fast fast exceptionally. " the good brother that Wang Wei is me, humanness is very genial, love be garrulous, those who grow is very fat, I call him fatso everyday. I follow fatso the ability of 8 abduct takes 7 turn to this Internet bar. This Internet bar should be a macula, a brand is connected when taking the door do not have and still leave in basement. When going in inside unexpectedly a person also is done not have, inside a of pitch-dark, I can be in only station office sees faint light. "Boss, drive two machines that include constellation. We did not carry id card. " fatso says to that boss. "Oneself seek order " the boss did not look up, just said gravely. Now is in the evening at 11 o'clock, tell the truth his mood is to make a person a bit scared really. "Boss, open the lamp. " " bad, oneself think way. " we are big old far those who come, listen to a boss so say to also do not have dispute, be forced oneself borrow with the mobile phone shine to seek a machine. Fatso says he goes searching, I let him go, oneself wait for him here. Fatso went searching very long had not come back, I mix boss chat a few: ? of Ai of Ju of brandish of post perch of Qun of coat be used to " " not much. " the answer that is an inhospitality. "Here machine says less to have 100, this actual strength is less than above go? " the boss did not respond me, I also was forced to invite ridicule rebuff. "Boss 86 with 85. " fatso came back. We see a boss did not talk to go computer. We took two covert places. After opening computer, fatso says to me: Make Lan of  of yellow ducking Gui smooth with a rake to be contrary to dot of?2 of my reel silk from cocoons, I and fatso played a few to win. "Won again, too bright. " fatso conversation is a dot do not pant to go up. "How to pant to go up a bit? " I feel something wrong interest. Fatso says to look how to return a responsibility, suddenly whole Internet bar is immersed in a darkness. I draw out skill machine to look how to return a responsibility immediately, a piece of pale face is stuck on my face almost. Frighten so that my within an inch of did not cry went out, looking carefully is fatso so: "You frighten me dead! " I pushed him. "Be no good I was overcome, we look how to return a responsibility quickly. " saying him to rise face the stage goes. After I also tighten therewith, arrived the stage just discovers the boss disappears, remain empty sky only stage. "Lean, how to return a responsibility? " fatso was tongue-lashed begin to turn back. Be in fast when returning our position, our mobile phone dies at the same time unexpectedly plane is not light, whole Internet bar again defect

入殓师殡仪馆灵异事 灵异事件


殡仪馆鬼故事 我是一名入殓师,每天面对的,都是冷冰冰的尸体。 一次,我收到了一个陌生女子的电话,她告诉我,她叫阿娇,她得了癌症,活不长了,希望在她死后,我能为她整理遗容。 我本不想接这种事情,但阿娇说...
民间怪谈:天津十大灵异事件 灵异事件


天津金永KTV 201房间灵异事件 (转帖) 灵异事件

天津金永KTV 201房间灵异事件 (转帖)

纠结了很长时间,还是决定发个帖子818这件事,我真的不想再有人经历我那天经历的事情!真的太恐怖了! 前些天看见团购KTV的券,8块钱4个小时,我就觉得太便宜了,而且以前也去过那个地方(上次去还是两年以...
周恩来总理出殡那天正直腊八节,八宝山上发生一件灵异事件…… 灵异事件


周恩来总理出殡那天,八宝山发生一件离奇怪事,至今无人解释明白。这个故事发生在1976年的腊八节,一个对中国人来说意义重大的传统节日。 正值这一天,人们沐浴在浓浓的腊八节氛围中,享受着美食和快乐,然而,...