
2021年8月20日19:49:34我记忆中的灵异事件已关闭评论 36,795 4127字阅读13分45秒







Introduce:Sinister plot is had after all on the world, it is the issue that academia place discusses all the time. Mention ghost, hard to avoid should generate fear. What thing is ghost? Ghost, in the brains of people, often be the soul that the irregular change after showing the person is dead comes out. It will do not have footprint without the shadow, the person that be born is not can touch truly get. Some things need not be believed completely on the world, but cannot not believe, although be not believed inviolable also. Although I never had seen true ghost, but in my schoolchild period, real however experience passes so incident of a clever different. It is after all how one and the same, and listen to me fine fine line comes. Remembering that is a country small 6 grade, be worth summer, everybody is in siesta, a female classmate in the class, already did not retain her real full name, know everybody calls her thunder stammer only, feel upset stomach suddenly, call superior friendly Shen Ni to accompany her person of the same trade. Who knows on the way, thunder stammer faints suddenly. Shen Ni is unusually alarmed, when wanting to help her up, she woke again however. Shen Ni thinks she is to be in sportive, did not care about so. Thunder stammer says not to go again toilet, then two people are returned again. Shenyang is accurate very in Ni heart, convenient cover censures her, she also did not make a sound, just expression is a little barpque. After two people return a classroom, classmates still are sleeping, who knows thunder stammer to run everywhere in the class however, cry: "Rise with me. " classmates are made a noise to wake by a Bacchic sound, seeing is she also did not get angry, she is ferial in with it is very good to get along between the classmate, also love to nod little joke. Among them say of a classmate: "Thunder is tongue-shy, you are in do thing. " see thunder stammers the eyes looks at him barpquely only, mouth say: "8, I am not what thunder stammer, I am Japanese officer Xxxx. " but the voice that strange is her went actually, that is the sound of one man clearly. Classmates see her so say to also become aware amused, ask: "Then you do not answer Japan to work here. " " my die in the last ditch is here at that time, did not answer body repatriate home town, local buries me in here. Everything is originally not bad, can be bought to build the school here, I am pressed below, gas breathes heavily to come nevertheless, still hear everyday read hubbub, I should come home, I should come home. " respecting this, see her mood has some of out of control only, in the have a fit in the classroom, seat trip is in the ground. Just began a classmate to feel amused only, this meeting finds something wrong interest, this thunder stammer sends nerve. Then the monitor called the teacher, the classmaster that those who come is us Mr. Li, build is not tall, disposition is not small. Come over to see she is in the class monkey business, vociferous arrive: "You are in do thing ah. " thunder is tongue-shy not pay attention to he, still frolic in the class, at this moment

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