
2021年8月20日19:50:07鬼回门已关闭评论 33,049 3295字阅读10分59秒














Introduce:This is the personal experience of my father, the thing is to happened 1996. This still should speak of from the beginning, two years ago namely 94 years when, there are a pair of young couples next door my grandma home, have one male one female two children. Male host is a slug, whole village is famous lazy, and husband and wife two also be to quarrel almost everyday. But that year fast when spending the New Year, this male host does not know the diligent that why changes rose, hill chops bavin on, goodwife misses the husband that is her after all, so diligent, then with respect to decoct two eggs eat to him. But inopportune is at that time his son plays outside, threw one Jiao, a hole was cut on the head, shed a lot of blood, the living conditions that waits their home in those days is not very good, result goodwife ate that egg to the son. After do well, son, daughter went out together with mom. Dread affection happened later, male host seemed to go mad, also threw the bowl, upstairs run to drink pesticide next. Just the daughter comes back to see, but without block the way, run to tell mother however, goodwife when coming back, the person had died, around was less than two minutes of male host to die so. After the thing lies between two years, because of the cause that my grandma falls ill, want somebody to accompany, or when to also know to death, put piece of bed more with respect to doorway is in the home then. One day in the evening, hemp of my father rub went, nobody is on duty in the evening, I go calling my father to come home, my father wants I and my mom to be on duty, then we went, but arrived to still slept to be not worn at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, call my father to come back to replace then again again, next I and my mom come home slept. My father before dawn came to grandma home at 1 o'clock, just laid down, hear the adjoining voice that has man conversation. In the country, if the widow steals husband,be bad for certain, next father upstairs runs to listen, this listens incorrect, listen going out is predecease goes the sound of that male host, next my father comes down rapidly, sit below lamplight, hear the voice of the stair below that person, did not open the door sound, sat a little while before my father, went 3 rounds in ancestral temple, sighed 3 times, went. We the dead there is to be put inside ancestral temple, what the dog cried in the evening that day is very miserable! Resemble crying! The following day my father and mom quarrel by day, the reason is my father is not willing to was on duty again, still phone my uncle, call my uncle to also not was on duty. The person on the side will ask us, is what the dog cried yesterday so miserable how be to return a responsibility? Arrive from the back I just know, that widow dies from husband hind, arrive without the dream all the time of husband, but the dream arrived in the evening that day, come back to take the dress to wear. The person that has experience tells few

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