
2021年8月20日19:50:11午夜与鬼的较量已关闭评论 34,601 3756字阅读12分31秒

我11岁时,一个秋天的黄昏左右,大概7、8点钟的样子。我叔叔当时是个医生,在离我们所住的县城10多里的一个乡镇卫生院当医生,他白天回来了,但医院通知他晚上要去值班,所以只好回去,我们老家那里睡觉的床垫下面一般要铺厚厚一层稻草,稻草一般每年换一次,当时正好新稻草晒干了,他就让我用根扁担,一头串了一捆新稻草,跟他一起送去,我们出发是已经快晚上10点了,山间的公路上一个人也没有,还好,有大人一起走还不怎么觉得怎么害怕,特别是我们去的那个镇的途中,公路两边大约有3,400米左右,是从古至今埋死人的山丘,我们本地叫棺山 [即:人死了(包括被枪毙了的),用棺材一装,埋在那一带,据说大概有几千个坟墓,所以叫棺山],,经过棺山时,我就问叔叔,这里有没有鬼啊?我叔叔说,世界上哪里有鬼啊!一路上,我们说说笑笑,也没什么害怕,大约快1点时,终于把稻草送到了我叔叔的宿舍,可叔叔马上要去上夜班,而我明天又要早起上学,叔叔就让我一个人,肩头扛着扁担,独自返回。



Introduce:When I am 11 years old, the dusk of an autumn is controlled, probably 7, the appearance 8 o'clock. My uncle at that time is a doctor, in the county that stays in from us hospital of many lis 10 a villages and towns becomes a doctor, he came back by day, but the hospital informs he wants to be on duty in the evening, be forced to go back so, should spread commonly below the mattess that sleeps over there our native place thick a straw, straw is changed every year commonly, just right is new at that time straw insolation, he lets me use a carrying pole, strung together a bunch of new straw directly, send together with him, it is already fast that we set out in the evening at 10 o'clock, a person also is done not have, not bad, adult goes together return not very to feel how to fear, especially in the road of that town that we go to, highway both sides has 3 about, 400 meters or so, be from ancient the hill that buries a the dead up to now, our this locality calls coffin hill [namely: The person died (included to be shot) , install with bier, bury in that one belt, have thousands of graveyard probably allegedly, call coffin hill] so, , when passing coffin hill, I ask an uncle, is sinister plot had here? My uncle says, there is sth fishy of the where on the world! All the way, we say josh laugh, also it doesn't matter fears, about fast when 1 o'clock, sent the dormitory of my uncle straw eventually, can want to go up on uncle horse evening shift, and I will rise early again tomorrow go to school, the uncle lets my person, humeral head is carrying carrying pole, return alone. Had not walked along coffin hill a section of a highway, I see posse posse far, of all sorts of appearance, Chi tooth cracks the mouth, ceaseless shift, the thing that shines like countless loafs about on leading edge highway, a passerby also is done not have at that time, my fine hair on the human body erect rise, even the hair erect also rose, be the autumn originally, cooler in the evening, but I or streaming with sweat! How do this sweat also does not know come out! A thought jumps out on my little heart horse: The likelihood is ghost! ! The uncle deceives people, say to do not have ghost, is this ghost what be? But do not have method, that is those who come home surely the road of classics ah! ! I am good not easy, beat became sufficient courage, on the hand closely grasping carrying pole, the past move of the work steadily, removed a breeze suddenly, those ghost activities are gotten fiercer, my heart began to break down, want to had developed way of this paragraph of spirit quickly, who knows, I run, ghost people chase after closely do not abandon, ran 1, 200 meters, look later, alas! My Mom! ! Ghost follows at the back of me one, two Mi Yuan, my brandish removes carrying pole, came a bear down on one with the weight of Mount Taishan, broke off go down, spirit of this person entity appears by one divides into two, but had not waited for me to had turned round to run again, it synthesized one individual body spirit again, alas, my Mom! But awful

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