
2021年8月20日20:17:01印第安人死亡烛光之谜已关闭评论 45,640 3423字阅读11分24秒









Introduce:Be in early 300 old before, · gram Lao Ji is in Nathanle to was published 1685 " British emperor is in America " mention in one book, before he once saw Indian on one's deathbed, appear in their outdoor a kind of mysterious light. 1656, come from Cambria Er enlighten Gan Jun's priest writings brush · Davis ever also reported about say, he and someone else once had been witnessed it seems that the chromatic light of adumbrative death. These light may appear in anyplace, empty in front courtyard of medium, door or house. Little light is indicating the death of dot, bigger light means adult death, many light appear to mean a lot of people in the meantime will gone. The report says Davis, once a person sees 5 place light inside house, result that evening 5 his lackey die at choking with respect to singularly. The dweller of Scotland upland says, if jack-o'-lantern appeared near bank reef, strike a reef or heavy ship will produce over there adumbrative move, and the fact proves this kind of view is very standard. People calls this kind of light sometimes " dead candle power " , till 20 centuries this one view still very be current. A witness that calls Wei Er provided the description below to folklore writer Aiwensiwenci: "Dead candle power is the light with a kind of very tall brightness, no matter appear,this kind of shiny building or place have many originally dark, all below light everything as be clear about like by day. This kind of brightness is not posse blaze, however light of La Yingying. As if the person that one is lost sight of is taking it everywhere move about, still boil to boil sometimes. You stand by it however whats are felt do not wear, because that is one kind ghostliness. " 1909, in Ni Yazhou of guest evening standard Situokedu the area also appeared so called " cadaver candle power " , this was caused in local dweller not small shake, a lot of newspaper also have a story. Reporting first among them is such: "In recent years, be gotten on by the head of the female cadaver of dismemberment in what before providing two years, discover, appeared suddenly posse blaze. Came at 9 o'clock in the evening everyday midnight, that light is met punctual appear and keep circling in sky. But want somebody to want to stand by only go probing after all, it can disappear immediately. " reportorial fine returns complement to say, a little superstitious villager believes that light is the soul of be murdered woman, remember for the sake of reminding people that convict is living still, want to bring to justice murderer arrest. Of the immortal in some folklore appear to also be concerned with jack-o'-lantern. 1910, an Irish that reads in Oxford together with Aiwensiwenci told about his strange experience to him. One day, he and a companion are equestrian come home from Limolike, suddenly they see far has a light to be in " jump up and down

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