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Introduce:1899, one of the United States is called Charles · broadness the well-known actress of husband orchid dies, bury in Dekesasi the Jiaerweisidu of the city. But, arrived the 2nd year in September, an infrequent storm sweeps across Jiaerweisidu. Storm lifted the embankment on billow gigantic romance, broadness the bier of husband orchid rushed from inside the coffin pit of littoral grave field, be involved in the sea. After storm passes, rich husband orchid the graveyard that daughter Kaierdeerde comes to to father. See the coffin pit that is destroyed, after thinking of father is dead, do not get actually quiet, can't help crying loudly: "Although father dies, I still should be defended beside in his a respectful form of address for an old person. But, his bier does not know where to be now. Anyhow I should find father's bier, bury him afresh. " then, she everyday look about, still carry ad on newspaper many times: "If somebody discovers the bier with unidentified antecedents, wu asks an announcement, propose a toast when express one's thanks to. " but, did not find all the time, and also do not have a message. But, year answer a year, kaierdeerde did not abandon seeking the idea of father casket from beginning to end. Time elapses quickly, went more than 20 years in an instant, still do not have any clew, kaierdeerde cost millions of dollars for this however. In broadness husband orchid dies 28 years on September 15, 1927 in the morning, kaierdeerde opens newspaper, abrupt, a news plunges eye: "· of well-known actress Charles is broad husband orchid died 1899, bury Yujiaerweisidu. Next year, this ground suffers especially big storm, jiaerweisidu's coffin pit is developed by seawater, bier by sea of be involved in. The dead is familial and long-term come look about, all the time have not discovery. But, your person uncannily is, already found out now, this bier the ocean current as Mexican bay, bypass Florida coast, already arrived at broadness the island of birthplace Edward prince that husband orchid is born. Bier unexpectedly safe and sound float 3000 kilometers! " " day, have such thing really! " ground of uncertainty of triumphant Er De Erde made a telephone call to the newspaper office, the answer is very affirmative: "Yes, factual absolutely. Absolutely and right. You need not suspect. " Kaierdeerde is alarmed and happy, hasten hurry off to Edward prince island, the bier of the father that saw long parted nearly 30 years as expected. Kaierde held solemn funeral for father afresh. But, the doubt in the heart did not eliminate Kaierde all the time however. A bier follows a float, all previous classics 28 years, the journey 3000 kilometers, return home eventually, this is how strange thing. If not be personal experience, who can believe again? Not come singly but in pairs, 1848, a Minielu that in Atlantic Bermuda harbor builds Elise

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纠结了很长时间,还是决定发个帖子818这件事,我真的不想再有人经历我那天经历的事情!真的太恐怖了! 前些天看见团购KTV的券,8块钱4个小时,我就觉得太便宜了,而且以前也去过那个地方(上次去还是两年以...
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