
2021年8月20日20:35:56老知青的故事已关闭评论 44,353 3920字阅读13分4秒







Introduce:Him manage is versed in male, the university awaits special suffering to force constantly on, 8 brother a dormitory, it is 4 fluctuation shop, a big long desk is put among, rely on a window a small desk. That meets nine years, school condition is quite poor still. Also money of it doesn't matter. The brotherly parents of all dormitories can come the school to see us by turns, came every time we are particularly glad, because can be taken a lot of eat drink still have cigarette (school regulation must not smoke, but the teacher knows the schoolboy is smoked open an eye to close a key point, want to be divided nevertheless only, hide to smoke secretly go) . Among them the dad of a brother saves nicotian bureau, like most even if his pa comes, ha, all sorts of good smoke have. These are the words outside the problem, return to the subject, the father that is this brother (of nicotian bureau) say to listen to us. Jump the queue goes to north doing educated youth when he is young, the country lived several years. Said a few things that had experienced when he is young. Also have clever other among them, have two things my impression is the deepest. The first is them when just going, because the person is much, want oneself to build a building to live, go up in a clearing namely at that time build, particularly pallet the sort of. In house with respect to a big bake or dry by the heat of a fire, ten people can sleep in the meantime. Lived a few day hind sleep in among them most inside (kang end) the person tells everybody he is done in the evening everyday same a dream, content is to have follow him maly to talk, "We two good, we two good, we two sleep back is carried on the back " , successive a lot of days such, his wondering, tell everybody, that time should defeat the FOUR OLDS, ko god of bovine ghost snake, everybody was gone to over there want. Changed another person to sleep then that position, result he also the dream arrived, and former then the individual changed the position to sleep to do not have a dream to arrive. Everybody begins wondering, change an individual to sleep in the evening everyday that position, should sleep only without one exception that position can make this dream. Kang is quite fortunately long, what everybody squeezes simply is a bit closer, give that seat for nothing, put a thing only. Do not have person redo from now on this dream. Until somebody should recommend among them go attending a college, some should answer a city, everybody is about to go straight towards a thing each, the village decided to tear open this house to rebuild. When tearing open, be in of kang end below as expected gouge a skeleton, estimation should be deserted long barren is graveyard, time became long grace mound is already smooth. Everybody this ability sobs unceasingly. The 2nd thing is they go reclaiming wasteland farm, in succession of a few months work, work by day everyday, go back in the evening study, learn to do not have a thing to be surrounded sit in the card games on kang, chat. One day in the evening, their as usual learns to be on kang card games. Abrupt somebody sees the doorway has an old man dress to resemble the dress of past landlord, wearing skullcap, lean on a stick is worn walking stick, staring at them ferociously to look

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