
2021年8月20日20:36:03飘着的头已关闭评论 34,882 3508字阅读11分41秒







Introduce:This thing happening is in probably two years ago, I am a schoolgirl that loves to play game particularly, the Internet bar that goes with the friend once at the door the home wraps evening, went up the home that the net of one night returns in the morning the following day. After arriving home, as a result of pa Mom can say, bearing by force to did not sleep by day, arrived to had eaten dinner in the evening probably 5.6 Zuo , wash gargle climb to sleep to the bed. Everybody should have before sleeping, perhaps wake up in the middle of the night sleep to be not worn the habit that plays a mobile phone, be afraid of what do not leave a mobile phone to the mobile phone does not have Zuo is charger almost next. It is to do not have near my the head of a bed socket and those who insert line board, then I sleep in bed end, because bed end has insert line board, next I climbed bed begin machine to insert that day on charger begins to sleep, when sleeping to midnight, woke mistily, chronic at that time took a mobile phone to look when, because I mark this issue particularly clearly, at that time is before dawn 12.36 minutes, next I look to plan early still to turn over a body to sleep then, the head that becomes me turns around toward across, at this moment my body is lie low, turned around with respect to the head, I see the head of a man with respect to what be clear about, wave the position between my door and my bed, day of at that time is black still, but the my clear head that sees a man floats in that, at that time I want to make make do not come out, move also be not moved, so he is staring at me, I am staring at him, hold out at the beginning those who be afraid of, feeling from the back is not very be afraid of, more it is to want to know who he is, so mutual looked a long time, I hear a voice suddenly: The head that bows with hands clasped to fade to grab pure pure Ci to door? of brandish of  handkerchief heir says that man disappeared, next I can be moved. Active later the first my thing calls my friend namely, said with him this thing lets him fool me to sleep next, because although got,scare at that time, but still be quite tired, not was asleep a little while. I return at that time is to sleep in bed end, spent 3 two hours probably I woke again, my friend says suddenly to me: Door? of グ of  eat Fei fastens berth end, I am afraid that you have an accident. You know you were asleep to be able to wake before long, every time awakes is to pant greatly, be like somebody to clutch your neck with the hand, when be about not to pant to go up, loosened to you, had relapsed 5.6 times. Listen to me to climbed the head of a bed to sleep immediately. Next shut-eye arrives day break. The following day after I awake in the morning, I and my father said this thing, my father says I am affirmative is to daydream was stayed in by nightmare, I say this is true, Zuo notices when my father concern says to let me these days play outside next. I said to know, that day in the evening 6.7 Zuo when I outside, my pa hits my phone and me suddenly to say my Mom is in the home indescribable asthma do not go up

入殓师殡仪馆灵异事 灵异事件


殡仪馆鬼故事 我是一名入殓师,每天面对的,都是冷冰冰的尸体。 一次,我收到了一个陌生女子的电话,她告诉我,她叫阿娇,她得了癌症,活不长了,希望在她死后,我能为她整理遗容。 我本不想接这种事情,但阿娇说...
民间怪谈:天津十大灵异事件 灵异事件


天津金永KTV 201房间灵异事件 (转帖) 灵异事件

天津金永KTV 201房间灵异事件 (转帖)

纠结了很长时间,还是决定发个帖子818这件事,我真的不想再有人经历我那天经历的事情!真的太恐怖了! 前些天看见团购KTV的券,8块钱4个小时,我就觉得太便宜了,而且以前也去过那个地方(上次去还是两年以...
周恩来总理出殡那天正直腊八节,八宝山上发生一件灵异事件…… 灵异事件


周恩来总理出殡那天,八宝山发生一件离奇怪事,至今无人解释明白。这个故事发生在1976年的腊八节,一个对中国人来说意义重大的传统节日。 正值这一天,人们沐浴在浓浓的腊八节氛围中,享受着美食和快乐,然而,...