
2021年8月20日20:37:05菩萨的惩罚已关闭评论 48,561 3355字阅读11分11秒




事情大概过去了有一个星期,就在第七天这天姨夫要出车,可是这车就这么都发动不起来了,姨夫那时也是有好多年驾龄的老司机了 那个年代可和现在不一样那时的老司机可都是会修车的 而且还是在单位车队大院里,无论是自己还是请别人来看那辆车可都没毛病 可就是打不着火!姨夫就急了就去车里拿那种用外力来发动汽车的摇把,具体学名叫啥我还真不知道,说来也奇怪在用摇把发动汽车的过程中,那摇把居然反弹回来打在了姨夫的肩胛骨也就是琵琶骨上,上医院后大夫看了片子后说也是不幸中的万幸,那么大的反弹力骨头居然没啥大事,就是裂了条细缝,养个一个星期十天左右的就没事了!姨夫当时也觉得很侥幸,虚惊一场!





Introduce:Had published before " ask for leave to Hades " and " weasel get married get married " calculate calculate have half an year did not come between a long time, the mobile phone received information unexpectedly yesterday, somebody answers my card to just come back to look again. As it happens listens recently I 3 aunts talk about story of my a paragraph of clever different of 3 the husband of one's maternal aunt, perhaps saying is story of gods and spirits, share with everybody. The thing is such, this thing went to have 20 probably old, 3 the husband of one's maternal aunt return that time young drive carriage car in the motorcade of the unit! Have a fellow worker should move to be asked in the home 3 the husband of one's maternal aunt help with a few fellow workers carry thing, the husband of one's maternal aunt is young in those days of impetuous of short-tempered of wool of hard to avoid, and really the spot also is too random the husband of one's maternal aunt is in help carry one honour when avalokitesvara Bodhisattva resembles, because be to want to be put toward the backlash of the car, so the not careful arm position Bodhisattva gives knock against! Because Bodhisattva resembled be pottery and porcelain giving to knock so fine seam, the husband of one's maternal aunt is do not believe ghosts and gods also did not go in past heart so! Plus it is to give others to help, busy after this thing also ended up with nothing definite! The thing went to have a week probably, want dispatch a vehicle in the husband of one's maternal aunt, can be this car so start did not rise, the husband of one's maternal aunt in those days also is to a lot of years are driven age old driver that time can be mixed different now the old driver in those days can be to meet those who build a car and still be in unit motorcade courtyard, no matter be his,still asking others to see that car can do not have illness can be to hit do not catch fire! The husband of one's maternal aunt takes the sort of crank that will launch a car with outside force urgently, specific formal name calls what me still do not know really, it is strange also to say in using crank to start the process of the car, that crank rebounds unexpectedly the bladebone that comes back to be hit in the husband of one's maternal aunt namely on lute bone, after the doctor after the hospital saw a movie on, saying also is the very lucky in misfortune, so big turn over bounce bone to do not have what important matter unexpectedly, cracked namely fine seam, raise a week controls 10 days do not have a thing! The husband of one's maternal aunt also feels very fluky at that time, false alarm! This thing speaks of after coming home, my knock when 3 aunts just remember the husband of one's maternal aunt moves suddenly encounters the trouble of Bodhisattva, this ability gave the husband of one's maternal aunt a suit cold sweat, look this is Bodhisattva after applying thin punish to warn him slightly, work but cannot be in of wool short-tempered impetuous! ! Also admonish constantly through this thing the husband of one's maternal aunt later our junior is an upright person work must be free from anxiety, and in the heart must awe-stricken deities!

入殓师殡仪馆灵异事 灵异事件


殡仪馆鬼故事 我是一名入殓师,每天面对的,都是冷冰冰的尸体。 一次,我收到了一个陌生女子的电话,她告诉我,她叫阿娇,她得了癌症,活不长了,希望在她死后,我能为她整理遗容。 我本不想接这种事情,但阿娇说...
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天津金永KTV 201房间灵异事件 (转帖)

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