
2021年8月22日10:35:00坟堆地有鬼已关闭评论 38,838 4038字阅读13分27秒

今年生产队里传言在后山的坟堆地有鬼。,本组的吴爱丽还专程告诉我,那坟堆旁的一片地,她都快荒芜了,不敢再去干活了。,我问她:可是你在那儿碰着过什么?,她说:听别人说碰着过。接着她又说道:然则说真的,自从村里谁人老祖母埋在那儿,另有今年三十多岁谁人做包子的张财根突发脑溢血死了,也埋到那儿后,确实我每次去那儿干活身上都市起鸡皮疙瘩,毛发直立,总以为那儿有鬼,而且总能闻声那儿有人在哭泣,怕吓出误差,我都不敢去那儿干活了。,原本我胆子就小,听吴爱丽这么一说就更怕了,可我的桑树地、茶树地、另有板栗树都在那一片坟堆旁,怎么办呢?,靠山吃山,靠水吃水,我一个务农的怎能丢了土地?,我就对说爱丽说:“以后我们结伴去好吗?”,爱丽说:“不行,两三小我私人我也不敢去,横竖以后我是不会去了。”,没设施,我只有等儿子从学校放假了,再让他陪我去那儿干活。,可是儿子要考试,时间对照主要,总不能每个星期都能陪我去啊。,就这样,等到儿子抽出时间再陪我去时,地里的茶叶、桑叶早给人家偷摘了。, ,我真是又气又恨,气自己怯弱怕鬼,恨别人贼心不死。,这一年冬蚕,儿子已去了市里念书,我不能指望他了,蚕子才蜕第二次皮,恰好只有那坟堆旁的地里有嫩桑叶。,我又去约吴爱丽前往,由于我的地旁边紧挨她家的地。没想到爱丽一听恐慌地叫道:谁敢去那儿,那儿真的有鬼。,我忧郁极了,怎么办,等到十月一放假吧,可蚕的肚子不能等呀。,这天晚上,我一县城里的一个好姐妹说中秋节要来看我,问我家现在有什么土特产,我马上想到了板栗。,我让她来吧,有土特产等着呢。,第二天,天空下着蒙蒙细雨。为了同伙,我背上篮子独自上山找板栗。,刚进山就碰着几个找板栗的人,由于村里无人看守,外村的人也会来这里找板栗,以是地里的栗子已所剩无几了。,可是再往山上走,就不见再有人影了,为了友谊,我不死心,仍然朝山上找去。, ,不知不觉中快要走到那片坟堆地,我吓了一跳,想转身转头,又突然间想起了家里的那些正待喂食的幼蚕,我忍不住弯下身子,从甘草丛裂缝间看看我那坟堆旁的桑树地,现在我何等希望有小我私人在我地里找板栗啊,我就可以借他胆子去采摘那些桑叶了。,这一看可把我喜悦极了,我的地里还真有个身影在晃动,谢天谢地,谢谢这下雨天能在坟堆地碰上个找板栗的人。,我急遽走了已往,快到地头,就在细雨如丝之中,我定睛一看,原来有个女人正在偷摘我的桑叶,而且已经摘到只剩最后一根树枝了。,“你是谁,干嘛要来偷我的桑叶。”我转喜为愤的厉声诘责。一张被细雨遮掩模糊的脸望向我。我早已没了遇鬼的恐惧。,“是你啊,没想到你照样敢来这坟堆地。”何等熟悉的女声,还带着尴尬的笑,听起来另有点像是从地下发出来的声音。,那人竟然会是她,我愣住了,继而一切全明了了,怪不得口口声声说这里有鬼呢。,她在证据眼前无法再狡辩,只得把桑叶倒给了我,我信托此时用不着骂她半个字,只要她是人,现在的心情一定会是无地自容,恨得酿成鬼钻进地缝里去吧。,我还真谢谢我的同伙,让我能在这坟堆地见到真正的鬼,都说贼喊捉贼,原来鬼也会喊有鬼。还真是天大的笑话,我却傻傻地让鬼诱骗了一年多。,你知道谁是坟堆地里的鬼了吗?, ,Introduce:The hearsay in the production team is in this year hind the graveyard there is sth fishy piling the ground of hill. The Wu Aili of this group returns specially to tell me, that grave piles a ground by, she went out of cultivation quickly, dare not work again. I ask her: But what had you come up against over? She says: Listen to others to say to had been come up against. Catch her say: But say really, since the village that old grandmother is buried over, still have this year more than 30 years old that Zhang Caigen that makes steamed stuffed bun breaks out cerebral haemorrhage to die, also bury there hind, really I go there every time work to go up to be able to remove gooseflesh personally, hair is erect, always feel there there is sth fishy, and always can hear there someone is crying, be afraid of threaten be out of order, I dare not go there worked. My courage is originally small, listen to Wu Aili so say more was afraid of, but my mulberry ground, tea tree ground, still Chinese chestnut tree is in by that one graveyard caboodle, how to do? Backer has mountain, rely on water draft, of my soil can you lose land how? I love to saying beautiful say: "Has our accompany gone after? " love beautiful say: "Be no good, I also dare not go to 3 two people, anyway later I am to won't go. " do not have method, I waited for a son to have a holiday from the school only, let him accompany me to go there again work. But the son wants an examination, time is more nervous, always cannot every week can accompany me to go. such, when when the son takes out time to accompany me to go again, the tea in the ground, Sang Xie gave a family early to be picked secretly. I am to be enraged again really hate again, him gas is recreant be afraid of ghost, hate people evil intentions is not dead. Silkworm of this year of winter, the son already read, I cannot count on him, silkworm seed ability exuviate the 2nd skin, just pile graveyard then only there is tender Sang Xie in the ground by. Before I make an appointment with Wu Aili again, go, because be tightened on the side of my ground,endure the ground of her home. Did not think of to love beautiful listen terrified the ground raves: Who dare go there, there true there is sth fishy. I am extremely afraid, how to do, when October has a holiday, but the abdomen of silkworm cannot wait. This day night, a in one county my good sister says the Mid-autumn Festival wants to see me, ask me the home has what local speciality now, I thought of Chinese chestnut immediately. I let her come, local speciality is waiting. The following day, the sky is falling fine drizzle. For the friend, I carry basket on the back to go up alone hill looks for Chinese chestnut. Just came up against a few people that seek Chinese chestnut into hill, because nobody attend to in the village, the person of the village also can come here to look for Chinese chestnut outside, the so chestnut in already place remnant very few. But go up toward hill again, disappear to have people again, for friendship, my unwilling to give up, still search on make a pilgrimage to a temple on a famous mountain. Imperceptible in be about to pile the ground graveyard, I was frightened jump, think face about turns round, abrupt remembered the home in those are being waited for feed the young silkworm that feed, I cannot help bending,

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